
Two volumes ready to record


Due to a crazy confluence of events, I have been given an extra six weeks to completely focus on creating the program for volume 2 of “en pleine lumière”!

I was due to fly back to Copenhagen to do some projects there throughout April and May, before my June recording sessions. The day I was to fly, my Copenhagen host cancelled, so I had nowhere to stay. And then, at the airport that evening, after flight delay upon delay, the flight was actually cancelled due to the airline going bankrupt exactly when I needed it. This was massively inconvenient to many passengers, and it all came as a shock to me as well. But quite quickly, I saw that this “change in plans” could be used in a productive way.

A small practice piano was purchased, and I set to work to research and find appropriate pieces by women composers born in the late 19th century. And now, I am nearly ready to also record this album! I will share more info on these ten composers soon, so stay tuned here.

I am now committed to building all six volumes of this project, and look forward to creating the albums featuring 20th century composers later this year and in 2020.

The music I have found is again incredibly beautiful…and all of it is new to me. I can’t wait to share it with you! Please be a partner in this creation by pre-ordering or contributing.

Sandra Mogensen1 Comment